sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Let's cook some food (Making a recipe)


Cooking food is a process. Therefore, it's necessary to follow some steps (instructions) in order to make a meal. 
We can use connectors that are words that provide us with a way to come up with an organized sequence.

Third, after that, finally, then,
second, next, first.

Take into account that every food product has a different preparation before you mix everything and put it into a plate for eating. 




Spaghetti with chicken


Ø First , boil the water and dice the chicken
Ø Second, put the cooked pasta in a pot
Ø Third, slice some onions and tomatoes
Ø Next, fry the diced chicken in a pan with the slices of onions and tomatoes
Ø After that, mix the pasta and the chicken
Ø Then, add some oil, spices and salt
Ø Finally, spread some grated cheese over the pasta with chicken.

Writting activity

You're inviting a friend for lunch to your house. Specify in order the recipe you want to make and its preparation. You can follow the previous example to guide you.

30 comentarios:


    * First, slice: an onion, some garlic, a red pepper, a carrot, some beans, five sausage and dice the chicken.
    * Second, put the pot on low heat and add some oil.
    * Third, put the sliced onion, garlic and red pepper in a pot, then add some spices and salt and mix for a minute.
    * Fourth, put the sliced sausage and diced chicken in a pot.
    * Next, put the vegetables in a pot and then mix with the other ingredients.
    * After that, add six cups of water.
    * Then, when water is boiling, add three cups of rice.
    * Finally, simmer and serve with french fries and ketchup.

    1. Excellent job Mayerly. Keep it up! Just one correction.

      five SAUSAGES (plural -s)
      sliced SAUSAGES


    First, wash the potatoes and boil in salted water for 20-25 minutes
    Second, remove and wait until they are warm to peel
    Third, fry the onion until it turns transparent appearance
    Fourth, add the chopped tomato and saffron
    Fifth, let cook for two or three minutes
    After That, add a cup of water and let it boil
    Then, add two tablespoons of cornstarch stirring continuously until the mixture thickens, about 10 minutes over low heat
    Finally, serve potatoes drenched with sauce and grated cheese


    1. I'm very surprised with your written products! They are impeccable. If you are receving help with this that's okay but try to do it by yourself so you can become beter in the language. One correction though.

      add two tablespoons of cornstarch AND continuously STIRR the mixture until IT thickens.

    2. I'm actually doing the work, but thanks for your observation

  3. Recipe: Spaghetti with mushrooms

    First, boil water
    Second, add the spaghetti in the hot water
    third, cut some onions and tomatoes
    next, fry the sliced ​​mushrooms
    After That, add mushrooms to spaghetti with sauces
    then wait a while to even cooking
    finally, add cheese over spaghetti with mushrooms

    bon appetit

  4. Excellent job Sebastian. Keep it up! Just one correction.

    THE spaghetti (You're talking about THE specific spaghetti you're cooking)

  5. to cook a paste:

    First: I need a large skillet where among all the pasta
    second: you have to boil the pasta
    Three: should chop the tomatoes and onions
    Fourth: you must blend the carrots and the remainder is added to the tomatoes and onions
    fifth: in the pan should mesclar tomatoes, carrots with chicken meat and add the pasta besides
    sixth: boil until all dry
    seventh is served on a large plate with a little parmesan cheese and a glass of wine

  6. Paisa Tray.

    FOR BEANS: you have to put in soaking beans overnight in plenty of cold water, covering them well. The next day put to cook in the same water for soaking, with the oil, onion, bacon, banana and carrot. Close the pot and when the beeps, open and add the hogao and salt to taste. FOR MEAT: make a sauce with onion and tomato, when the cast is added ground beef, season to taste (salt and chopped cilantro) and set aside. FOR PINK PEPPER: finely chop all ingredients, pour a little water and stir well Serve: paisa tray served beans and meat with rice, chicharrones, chorizo, fried eggs, sausages, arepas, fried sweet or plantains, of course chop chili.

  7. beef steak: First , boil the water and dice the meat
    second, fry the slices of onions and tomatoes.
    next. add a cup to Tomato paste and salt to taste
    afther that . simmer the mix
    finally. fry a egg and place it on meat
    and join.

  8. The recipe is alfajor provincial

    Initially you have to sift the flour with the salt. In the center put yolks, eggs, melted butter and warm milk. Working with the center hands ingredients and slowly incorporate the flour.
    then form a bun, wrap in cling film and rest 15 minutes. Make rolls, stretch very thin, pierced and cook on buttered plates in hot oven until just browned.
    Then cool on rack and put together in layers with dulce de leche.
    Make a meringue with the egg whites and sugar.
    Then you have to cover the gingerbread and serve.

  9. Then we will prepare a delicious rice with vegetables.

    First, we apply two tablespoons of oil in the pot.
    Second, cut the vegetables in small pieces
    Third, put the vegetables in a pot.
    Frying for 10 minutes
    Then, put 3 wells of water to the pot
    Next step, cut a small piece of onion
    Then put two tablespoons of salt and mix
    So we put two wells of rice into the pot and mix again
    Boil water for 30 minutes, then we cover the pot and diminish the fire.

    Finally, we hope that the rice is dry and serve!


    First, boil the water in a pot with salt and oil
    Second, add the pasta for lasagna
    Third, cut some onions, tomatoes, mushrooms,
    Fourth, liquefy the tomatoes, onions, spices, milk, and sauces meat
    Next, fry in a pan, ground beef with sliced mushrooms
    Then, wait a while to even cooking
    After, add the sauce in a mold with the ground beef, mushrooms and the pasta for lasagna
    Finally, add the cheese and serve

  11. I invite my friend Diego to dinner at my house one deleciosa stew soup, to prepare it:

    -First, boil the water.
    -Second, cut bananas, potatoes, cassava, pumpkin and chicken.
    -Third, slice some onions and tomatoes and other vegetables.
    - Next, when boiled and are tender, I added the guizo.
    -After That, the pot mix all these ingredients, let simmer for ten minutes.
    -Then, add some salt.
    -Finally, spread some cream milk in every dish, when served.

    and go! to enjoy a delicious soup in the company of my best friend.


    First, Heat oil in medium skillet over high heat.

    Second, put the cook chicken, cook 5 minutes or until lightly browned on all sides.

    Third, cut some onions and tomatoes and bell peppers Next put ,onion and bell peppers and tomatoes , cook and stir 2 minutes. garlic and red pepper in and salt in pot

    After Stir in rice mix, onions and tomatoes and bell peppers

    Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer over low heat 15 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed.

    Finally Remove from heat and let stand, covered, 5 minutes.

  13. Pasta with chicken

    ■ First, boil the water and dice the chicken breast
    ■ Second, put to fry the paste, until it was golden
    ■ Third, shred the breast
    ■ Next, mix the pasta and the chicken and the water
    ■ Then, boil it for 10 minutes
    ■ Finally, spread some seasoning like "Rica Pasta" and salt.

    and then we have an amazing pasta.

  14. Atollado Rice Recipe

    500 g pork ribs
    300 g chicken breast
    500 g rice
    Creole Potato 500 g
    Fresh tomatoes 300 g
    Onion 150 g
    Red peppers 80 g
    1 tbsp chopped cilantro
    Freshly ground pepper 1 tbsp
    Cumin 1 tbsp
    Salt q/n
    6 tbsp vegetable oil

    First, in a pan and fry onions finely chopped peppers.
    Second, When the onions are transparent add the tomatoes previously blanched and chopped, add the species and condiments.
    Third, proceed to seal in a pot all red meat and cut into medium pieces separate ribs.
    Next, Add the rice to the vegetables, add the meat and cook with the broth.
    Once cooked, serve

  15. milk pudding

    first : put to heat milk over low heat with sugar, cinnamon sticks and lemon peel .

    second : wash the rice under running water and drain well .

    third: When the milk begins to boil, add the rice and stir drained .
    fourth : let the fire with a low and let rice simmering in milk about an hour of time.

    Once ready the rice , remove the lemon peel and cinnamon and add the butter to the rice pudding, stirring mixture well until everything is integrated .

    Finally , let rest our rice pudding and handed in or used containers we have thought . The last detail is to sprinkle cinnamon on top to give a touch of color and flavor.

  16. Margaritas on the Rocks

    2 cups sweet and sour mix
    1 1/2 cups tequila
    1/3 cups brandy
    2 limes, quartered

    1. Salt the rims of 8 glasses. To do so, pour salt onto a small plate, rub the rims of the glasses with lime, and press them into the salt. Fill the glasses with ice.

    2. In a blender, combine sweet and sour mix, triple sec, tequila and Grand Marnier. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses, squeeze a quarter lime into each glass, and serve.

  17. Well, It seems as Ken and Loren are coming today for lunch, so I will make for them their favorite dish, so, that will be Chicken Tacos.

    First I will have to boil the chicken in a pot, it needs to have enough water because the idea is that the chicken must be at least 15 minutes in to the boiling water.

    while the chicken is getting cooked I will slice some tomatoes, onions, garlic and pepper.

    After I have all the vegetables sliced I will put all of them in a saucepan with a little bit of butter and fry them for about a minute, I will also add a little bit of salt to them.

    when the chicken is ready I will take it out of the pot and slice it, then I will put it back in the pot and add the vegetables to it mixing them together.

    After I will need to take a good piece of cheese and cut it on very small squares, I will put it on a container and leave it on the table.

    Then I will slice some more yellow not spicy pepper and put this one in another recipient on the table, I will do the same with some lettuce, avocado and carrots.

    After that I will roast my six tortillas for a little bit, just to make them quiet hot, and put all of them in a plate.

    Then I will put the chicken mixed with the vegetables on a big container and take it with the tortillas to the table.

    Finally I will put plates and cutlery on the table so everyone can serve themselves with the ingredients that they prefer to put on their tacos.

    I think we are going to have a good lunch and fun time.

    Maria Alejandra Gomez Ariza

  18. On Friday, I will prepare a special dinner for my mom's birthday this is my Chinese rice recipe: first buy the ingredients:
    rice, ham, shrimp, Chinese roots, black sauce, carrot, pork and beef, chicken breast, onion, potatoes, after having put the ingredients in a pot to heat water for cooking the chicken breast, slice the onion, cut into pieces of meat, then put the pan and cool the onion and carrot and shrimp are added 6 wells of water, then take the chicken and ham and peak, add boiling water 1 pound rice with black sauce and mix all ingredients, finally allowed to dry rice and bring to a simmer for 45 minutes, meanwhile phosphorus cold potatoes in a pan with hot oil. cooking the chicken breast, slice the onion, cut into pieces of meat, then put the pan and cool the onion and carrot and shrimp are added 6 wells of water, then take the chicken and ham and peak, add boiling water 1 pound rice with black sauce and mix all ingredients, finally allowed to dry rice and bring to a simmer for 45 minutes, meanwhile phosphorus cold potatoes in a pan with hot oil.

  19. Ingredients for colombian sweet and sour chicken.

    2 breast of chicken, bone and cut in the middle
    1/2 pouns of margarine
    1/2 tablespoonful of pepper
    1/2 cup of orange juice
    2 tablespoonful of lemon juice
    6 tablespoonful of honey
    2 tablespoonful of soya sauce.

    How do the colombian sweet and sour chicken

    Mix the flavor, the salt and the pepper
    And pass the chicken in this mix, melt the margarine, fry the breast until will be brown.
    Apart, mix the other ingredients , pour on the chicken and let cook.

  20. Hi Sebastian
    I hope this well you and Heidy in this new day, I wanted to invite you to a small meal for all the favors received in recent months.
    I write the recipe in case you need to change an ingredient because of your allergies.

    Coca-Cola Chicken Wing

    Four pieces of chicken
    black soda

    In a bowl of water will cook four chicken pieces thoroughly washed after it is cooked the chicken in a separate bowl add half a cup of tomato sauce, two cups of soda simmered black after a few minutes add the chicken and the sauce is spread about fifteen minutes, then served and add bread to taste.

    Catiana Rodrigez

  21. Black rice

    First put 2 cups of coke and sugar and a piece of oil to boil in the rice cooker.. after that, when coke was boil, put 1 cup of rice and risins to coock and leave in low fire till was ready... and thats all folk.. enjoy it!

  22. Dear Claudia,

    How you are already know the last Friday I went to Melgar to rest a little bit for all the work that we had ultimately, and I would like to tell you that I rest a lot the weather is magnificent to feel that you are resting was a very sunny and hot weekend and I were swimming in a large pool with my partner will, we ate someice cream and drunks some beers, I really feel calm relax and feel that I am ready to start a new office work with you.

  23. Cordially
    2. Let's cook some food (Making a recipe)
    • First I cut some garlics, onions and carrots and fry this in a different pot
    • When this is already fied I put two cups of water
    • Once the water are boilt, I already wash the rice, I aggregated the rice to this boiled water
    • When the rice seems a little dry I low the fire and 10 minutes later the rice is ready.

  24. • A bottle of wine will be great
    • Some slices of cheddar cheese
    • A bag whit fresh bread
    • A pound of tomatoes
    • A pound of ham
    • Two cups of vinegars
    • A chicken
    • A couple of nice apples
    • A nice porcelain crockery
    • An wines glasses
    All this thing to complete my romantic dinner.


    First, put in a pot boiling water
    Second, add rice to cook
    Next, add milk and sugar
    Then stir constantly all
    finally, add cheese and raisins

  26. my ingredients to prepare a delicious meal first wash the potatoes and put to boil water with salt to taste 20 min after sunrise retreat from heat to cool the potatoes, then I start to fry the onion and add to the pan the chopped tomato bnien , then let the potatoes cook with the stew and potatoes after I throw this sauce and grated cheese and cream so get a delicious dish.



    - 2 onions
    - 2 red peppers
    - 2 carrots
    - salt
    - pepper
    - 1 package of bacon
    - 200gr pork
    - 200g beef
    - 12 sheets of lasagne
    - 85g of grated cheese
    - 4 tablespoons olive oil
    - 1 glass of tomato
    - 1 glass of white wine
    - bechamel


     The first thing we will have to do is cook the lasagne sheets , heating water in a pan , along with a little salt and olive oil , let heat for 10-15 minutes.

    The next step will be cut as possible all verdurita finite and put to fry in 3 tablespoons olive oil . Then once we see that is pocha , we wrap the meat and bacon to brown igualemente and vegetables is linked with . We added a glass of tomato , salt and pepper and we link all fine .

    When ready , prepare the bechamel , and we assemble the lasagna in layers , a sheet of lasagna, meat mixture over batter and make as many floors as you want . We add a little grated cheese on top and put it in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

    And you can taste this delicious lasagna recipe .


    Vanessa Salgado
