sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

What's up with the weather?

The weather produces different feelings and emotions in us. Also, depending on the current weather we might decide to do certain activities rather than others.

Rainy day (Autumn/fall)
Weather: It's wet (humid), it's raining (rainy), foggy.
Activities: Reading, staying in bed, sleeping.
Feelings: Sad, depressed, down, quiet.

Windy day (Spring)
Weather: Warm, windy, cloudy.
Activities: Going to the park, Going for a walk, playing sports.
Feelings: Energetic, happy, receptive. 

Snowy day (Winter)
Weather: Snowy, freezing cold, chilly.
Activities: Building snowmen, throwing snowballs, making snow angels.
Feelings: Peaceful, expectant, open.

Sunny day (summer)
Weather: Sunny, Boling hot, bright.
Activities: Swimming, eating ice-cream, drinking lots of liquids.
Feelings: Calm, relaxed, hopeful.

Writing activity:

You're on vacation in a different city in Colombia. Write an e-mail to a person you love about the activities you are doing, how you are feeling and what the weather is like in that particular place.

Include all the vocabulary you can. The more words you use, the better!

Let's cook some food (Making a recipe)


Cooking food is a process. Therefore, it's necessary to follow some steps (instructions) in order to make a meal. 
We can use connectors that are words that provide us with a way to come up with an organized sequence.

Third, after that, finally, then,
second, next, first.

Take into account that every food product has a different preparation before you mix everything and put it into a plate for eating. 




Spaghetti with chicken


Ø First , boil the water and dice the chicken
Ø Second, put the cooked pasta in a pot
Ø Third, slice some onions and tomatoes
Ø Next, fry the diced chicken in a pan with the slices of onions and tomatoes
Ø After that, mix the pasta and the chicken
Ø Then, add some oil, spices and salt
Ø Finally, spread some grated cheese over the pasta with chicken.

Writting activity

You're inviting a friend for lunch to your house. Specify in order the recipe you want to make and its preparation. You can follow the previous example to guide you.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Let's go to the grocery store! (Vocabulary Learning Strategies)

Containers and Portions

                A (plastic, glass)  bottle of                
(milk, wine, water, soda) 

 A (material) box of (content)

A piece of... 

A (material) glass of (content)

A pound of...

Some slices of ...

A (material) can of (content)

A (material) bag of (content)

A (material) cup of (content)

Hello guys and welcome to our Blog!

Our first on-line work is for you to make a list of groceries you need to buy in the grocery store. 
As you do that you need to think of  different adjectives to describe each of the previous containers. Include what they look like and what they can be made of. Also, the food or drinks that can be inside. 

Remember that when giving a coplete description of something the adjective order is important. Check this chart.

Include your complete names at the end of the list you write.








Bottle of soda







cups of coffee